So personally this blog is a way for me to keep track of my progress as I begin living the lifestyle of a warrior, but I know there will be something for anyone who is just looking to make some positive change in their own life. A little about myself I'm 22, and stayed pretty active the majority of my life playing soccer and some boxing, but while I been going to school fulltime I started getting lazy and stopped working out. Now I'm ready to get back into shape and change all aspects of my lifestyle to that of a warrior. The lifestyle of a warrior to mostly based on that of a samurai, where you live by a code of ethnics, live the Art of Peace, train physically and mentally daily, meditate, and take care of your body as if it were a temple.
My goal is to complete the super spartan race in the middle of January,
and going to begin training
and eating a healthy diet. Here I am right
now, at least 10 pounds overweight and completely out of shape. Today is the day I officially started training, and day one consisted of the 300 workout. No not the intense 300 movie workout, but a beginner workout of 100 burpes, 100 pushups, and 100 sit ups. I worked my way up starting at 1 each, than 2, and than 3, all the way up to 10 and than I worked my way back down. My total time was 28 minutes and 30 secs, pretty slow but it was my first day, and in the afternoon consisted of boxing class that was mainly cardio.
As for my diet I'm planning on doing a mainly paleo diet, consisting of fresh vegetables and protein sources as my main caloric intake. I will cut all processed foods, carbs from wheat, flour, ect and only eat few select fruits. I will also consume some dairy, mainly milk but I plan on adjusting my diet according to how I feel and what kind of results I'm getting and have one free day a week to eat whatever I choose.
I will continue to share my progress and I'll leave you with a quote from The Art of Peace:
"The Way of a Warrior is based on humanity, love, and sincerity; the heart of martial valor is true bravery, wisdom, love, and friendship. Emphasis on the physical aspects of warriorship is futile, for the power of the body is always limited."
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